Sunday, January 25, 2009

New President?

How do you like our new President?
Comments are appreciated.

Who said this?

"You are now witnessing the beginning
of a great epoch in history...a sign from
God to declare all out war on terrorism
and it's ideological sponsors, a people
who traced their origins to the Middle
East and found motivation for their evil
deeds in their religion".
These words belong to a leader
who instituted laws just like the Patriot
Act and Military Commissions Act,
Adolph Hitler.

Think you might not like this country?
Well, friend, this must be your lucky
day because we happen to have
a new country for you right here
where you live. It's called the
North American Union. (Read:
Council On Foreign Relations -
Building A North American
Community) It's a little known
merger between the US, Canada
and Mexico and was actually
signed into existence by the
"leaders" of these three countries
back in 2005. Planned under the
cover of the Security and
Prosperity Partnership of North
America, right down to the smallest
You can read it here:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This was the view as we drove south from Bellevue to Twin Falls last Saturday! Everything was covered with frost, and was really beautiful. It was a bit cold as you can tell from this photo, but it was worth it. I hope it is clear weather for tomorrow, because I am on my way to Twin Falls again. This time for training for my job. The weatherman is calling for possible fog tomorrow morning. That will slow us down considerably!