Glad this wasn't my house!
Idaho is an absolutely horrid place to live, with all the daily bear & rabid moose and wolf attacks, the endless days of subzero cold, the never ending snow, and not to mention the jackalope raids! I don't know how anybody can survive here! So, if you've recently eaten, and value a good meal, I suggest you leave immediately! The following blog is very misleading, believe me, you would never want to visit, let alone, live here!
We woke up this morning to another Bluebird day! My thermometer says it is 32 degrees F. uotside. (It sits where the sun can hit it, so it may be off a bit). 2 days ago, we were isolated from the world. All roads leading into and out of our valley were closed due to blowing and drifting snow. We have about 4 feet of snow on the level here in Bellevue. The Sun Valley Ski area claims 93 inches on the top of Bald Mountain. I don't ski, so I haven't been up there to verify that, but would not be surprised. There is enough snow on the surrounding hills to cover all the sagebrush, and most of the Chokecherry thickets. We finally had to get the snow off our roof. The snow load wasn't too bad, but we were building up a serious ice dam. I may try to go out later and remove the snow from my old shed. I built it from 2 X 4 scraps and plywood. It has held up for 3 winters so far, but this one may put a strain on it.
This from the www. 12/24/2008
"From the Diary of a new member of the BACK TO THE LANDers (kalifornians)
Aug. 12 - FINALLY Moved into our new home in N Idaho from busy S Calif . It is so beautiful here. The hills and river valleys are so picturesque. I have a beautiful old oak
tree in my front yard. Can hardly wait to see the change in the seasons. This
is truly God's Country.
Oct. 14 - Idaho is such a gorgeous place to live, one of the real special
places on Earth. The leaves are turning a multitude of different colors. I
love all of the shades of reds, oranges and yellows, they are so bright. I
want to walk through all of the beautiful hills and spot some white tail
deer. They are so graceful, certainly they must be the most peaceful
creatures on Earth. This must be paradise.
Nov. 11 - Deer season opens this week. I can't imagine why anyone would
want to shoot these elegant animals. They are the very symbol of peace and
tranquility here in Idaho . I hope it snows soon. I love it here!
Dec. 2 - It snowed last night. I woke to the usual wonderful sight:
everything covered in a beautiful blanket of white. The oak tree is
magnificent. It looks like a postcard. We went out and swept the snow
from the steps and driveway. The air is so crisp, clean and refreshing. We
had a snowball fight. I won, and the snowplow came down the street. He must
have gotten too close to the driveway because we had to go out and shovel
the end of the driveway again. What a beautiful place. Nature in harmony.
I love it here!
Dec. 12 - More snow last night. I love it! The plow did his cute little
trick again. What a rascal. A winter wonderland. I love it here!
Dec. 19 - More snow - couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work in
time. I'm exhausted from all of the shoveling. And that snowplow!
Dec. 21 - More of that white s### coming down. I've got blisters on my
hands and a kink in my back. I think that the snowplow driver waits
around the corner until I'm done shoveling the driveway. A@@@@le.
Dec. 25 - White Christmas? More freakin' snow. If I ever get my hands on
the sonofagun who drives that snowplow, I swear I'll cast$$te him. And
why don't they use more salt on these roads to melt this crap??
Dec. 28 - It hasn't stopped snowing since Christmas. I have been inside
since then, except of course when that SOB "Snowplow Harry" comes by.
Can't go anywhere, cars are buried up to the windows. Weather man says to
expect another 10 inches. Do you have any idea how many shovelfuls 10 inches is???
Jan. 1 - Happy New Year? The way it's coming down it won't melt until the
4th of July! The snowplow got stuck down the road and the sh--head
Actually had the balls to come and ask to borrow a shovel! I told him I'd broken
six already this season.
Jan. 4 - Finally got out of the house. We went to the store to get some
food and a darn deer ran out in front of my car and I hit the b@@ard.
It did $3,000 in damage to the car. Those beasts NEED to be killed. The
hunters should be able to hunt ALL YEAR if you ask me.
Jan. 27 - Warmed up a little and rained today. The rain turned the snow
into ice and the weight of it broke the main limb of the oak tree in the
front yard and it went through the roof. I should have cut that old piece
of sh)t into fireplace wood when I had the chance.
May 23 - Took my car to the local garage. Would you believe the whole
underside of the car is rusted away from all of that darn salt they dump
on the road? Car looks like a bashed up, heap of rusted cow s>>t.
May 10 - Sold the car, the house, and moved to Florida . I can't imagine
why anyone in their freakin' right mind would ever want to live in the God forsaken
State of Idaho …"